Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Counts men get sheared!

All 3 of my guys got a haircut today. Art was desperate for one, Wyatt needed one even though I was loathe to go ahead and do his FIRST HAIRCUT, and Zach didn't want to be left out, so he requested a haircut too.

I got them all set up in the kitchen - Wyatt in the highchair, Zachary on the big stool, and Art on the little stool. We put Cars in the portable dvd player and I started the assembly line hair cuts.
Set up in the kitchen - My 3 guys at once

Chicago Counts Barber Shop

Cute Wyatt, his very first haircut. He was not thrilled with the sound of the clippers, but did not cry or cringe. He did however, have a death grip on Art's fingers. He had his paci and watched the video. His cut went pretty fast, since I used the clippers all over. With Zach, we are always sad when he gets a haircut, thinking he looks "too old", and that he looks better w/ long shaggy hair. Well, Wyatt is totally opposite...we think he is SO CUTE with short hair. Even cuter than before.
Wyatt's new hair

Big boy Wyatt

Art was next. We were smart last haircut, and wrote on a piece of paper what clipper # attachments we use and where on his hair. So again, pretty fast. After Art's cut, he and Wyatt took a shower while Zach was mesmerized.
Then poor Zach. He wanted the haircut, he asked for it. However, come go-time, he was not thrilled. He said "no scissors". So then I got out the clippers, and he said "oh, no, NOT that thing!", and I said "what should I do, bite your hair off w/ my teeth?". Har har. So he decided to go with the lesser evil of scissors. He did really great! A bit of cringing and yelling at me because "I CAN'T SEE THE VIDEO", and "Mommy, you're IN THE WAY", but no crying, no screaming, no major trauma. In fact, he was so good about me cutting his hair, that I just kept going and going...and going. So his bangs for sure are a "bit" short. And, of course, not anywhere near a straight line. He would not let me get in front of him (blocking the video of course), so he ends up w/ bangs at a diagonal. Later, on Tuesday, when he went to school, his FAVORITE, Caroline, saw him and said "Mommy, look, Zachary has new hair!" I guess it was obvious he got a cut.

I guess this was the beginning of cutting hair all together. Not a practice I enjoy (I'm just terrible at it!), but am willing b/c Art wants to spend ZERO money on a haircut. So there you go.
Little side story: I guess I had told too many people, or mentioned it too many times that this was Wyatt's "very first haircut", because Zachary started telling people at church and school, when they asked him if he got a haircut "it was my very first haircut". Silly boy.

Here are my guys, all clean from their showers and happy listening to DaU read a book.



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