Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Misc My boys

Just a few misc pics of my boys.

One of Zach's new "tv watching chair". The boy never ever gets to watch tv. So one night we asked him if he'd like to watch a part of a video and he got so excited. He ran to the playroom and dragged/carried his yellow chair [check out the August 2006 archive blog post, on the left side of the page, for the first time Zachary sat in this chair after we bought it] through the house and into the living room and plopped himself down in it, ready for some good tv viewing.

One where I put Zach and Wyatt (both awake) into our bed and went to take a shower. After coming back, this is what I see. Zach WAS laughing and making Wyatt laugh, but Zach currently has some issue with the camera. He says "no pictures" as though he's famous and we're the paparazzi.

A great one of Art and Wyatt.

One with Art and the boys, all wearing red, as requested by Zachary. And yes, Art's shirt DOES say "Mr. Right". Not at all embarrassing for him to wear that when we meet our pediatrician for the first time. :)

I guess at some point I'll need to get my picture taken so people don't forget what I look like. :)



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