Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Aug 9: Ritter (Knight) Festival

It's that time again when the Ritter Festivals come around around. They are very similar to the US Renaissance festivals. Last year we went with Heinze, Katrina, and Hannah. This year we went with them again, as well as Jenny and her kids Elias, Kate, Lydia, and Steven (friends w/ Zach). It was a good time for all. We opted for shade over good view during the joust show, but it was still a good enough show. Wyatt was asleep in the Moses basket at one point, but Zach was super tired (no afternoon nap), so we put the basket on the ground and let Zach sleep in the stroller. Good thing it is so versatile!

I was very happy to see that they had my favorite activity again - hatchet throwing! I got to take 6 turns throwing the hatchet. I really like this - perhaps too much. But sadly I never got it to stick into the wood. I was ok w/ that until Elias, who is 11 or 12, took his 3 turns and got the hatchet to stick twice! He looked like a professional. Art wouldn't let me keep throwing money (har har) at trying to get it to stick. I guess 2 Euro was enough. :( Perhaps I've found a new hobby.

The food was enjoyable - a nutella crepe for me (not very medieval like), and some bread thing for Art.

A good time was had by all. We did have to leave early b/c Zach was starting to melt down. We had to put Wyatt into the sling and let Zach be in the stroller for the rest of the way home b/c he was SO TIRED.



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