Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sept 3rd: A few of my favorite things

Things are very very very hectic here and a bit stressful as we are dealing w/ getting packed and utilities and insurance and finding a place in Evanston, etc. But, during all of that, there are plenty of fun things that I have enjoyed. Some of my favorite things:

~ Zach now says "Amen" after praying, both after meals, and at night before bed. Though his sounds more like "Ah-me-in". Once he was VERY ready for his dinner, and didn't want to wait for the blessing to be asked and he kept saying "Amen, Amen, Amen". So cute.

~ Wyatt is a smiler and a laugher! I love his smile. When he's really happy, he crinkles up his nose and opens his mouth very wide.

~ Zach loves his toddler bed. He loves it so much that often I'll say "after your juice, it's time for bed" and I'll walk back into his room after dealing w/ Wyatt and Zach has put himself to bed. He just points to his back for me to pat/rub for him a bit. He no longer wants books read to him before nap time, so I've had to change his routine so that he gets story time during the day. It is quiet nice for him to be so independent in this way.

~ All our neighbors know Dexter and often tell us stuff about him. Recently, a couple told me (I think - my German isn't great) that Dexter came to their house just to sleep for a few hours. So odd. Then some guy asked Art, while they were at the playground, if Dexter was Art's, and he replied "yes, he follows us around", and the guy said - in English- wow, that's weird.



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