Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17: Boys hanging out

Here are some pictures of the boys hanging out in their new place. Today we went to Family Dollar (I didn't know those places still existed!) to find a temporary diaper pail until ours arrives at Thanksgiving. I didn't find anything, but I DID find something new for Zach - playdoh. When we visited Stephanie Hampton and her 2 boys while in ATL, Drew was playing with some playdoh. Zach had never played with any before and was intrigued. THEN, at one of the churches we've tried, here in Chicago, Zach's Sunday School was using playdoh. SO..I thought, well let's get some. Just to test his interest, I got a small 4-pack (for $1 - Woo hoo!). He really enjoys it. Ok, so mostly he really enjoys putting it into and out of the "correct" jars, but he did love it when I made a yellow bus, a blue truck, a red car, and a green car. He is starting to get more and more into it, and mush it around a bit more. Easily worth the pocket change. We'll branch out and get some accessories at some point. He has a plastic placemat that must be used with it and he enjoys getting that out of the china cabinet and putting it all back when he's done. My little neat freak! :) Here is Wyatt just hanging out wherever Zach is - taking it all in. Wyatt loves to be around Zachary. There is another picture of Zachary and Wyatt in Zach's new Cars toddler bed, complete with various transportation sheets. I'll have to post a picture of Zach and his new bed. He LOVES it. Also loves that it is red. He does still ask permission in the morning and after naps to get up out of bed. I'm ok w/ that. I'd rather get up and tell him it's ok than have him roaming the house quietly while I'm asleep. No telling what he'd get into.



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