Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, August 01, 2008

August 1: We can officially come to the USA!

Yes, we have already purchased tickets and told our landlady that we are leaving, and have started all the processes it takes for us to leave here (cancel internet, electricity, tithe, etc), BUT, we could NOT actually leave without a very important package arriving. It arrived today! Yea! What is this important package you ask?? Wyatt's passport and report of birth abroad arrived today! Can't leave the country without either one. WHEW! So now we're good to go. The attached big picture is Wyatt's passport picture. The smaller picture is a reminder of Zach's passport picture. The two boys are 17 days apart in age at the time of the pictures. Crazy.


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