Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Zachary & Wyatt - Playing the best they can

Here are some OLD pictures (July 31) of Zach hanging out with Wyatt the best he can. He often asks for me to put Wyatt (bee bee) into his bed with him. One of these pictures is when Zach tried to use his soccer ball as a mobile for Wyatt (he had seen me doing that the day before). Zach is now bringing Wyatt toys to look at and is attempting to interact with him more. He has gotten Wyatt to laugh several times, and Wyatt generally smiles when watching Zach. I would say "Zach watching" is a favorite past time for him.

Another thing that I think is cute is that Zach will often copy Wyatt. For example, I will put Wyatt down for "tummy time", and he will not like it, so he'll just roll over. I'll clap for him and be excited ('yea Wyatt'), so Zach will come lie down next to him and do the same thing. So funny.



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