Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 22: Boys Big Day

When we go, we like to go BIG. Ok, that was lame...but what I mean is, when we decide to make a change, we make sure it's a big one. Sigh. So today we had a trip to Target and I managed to survive Zach's mantra like repetition of "Cars aisle again" and "Poppi get that" (when we wanted a car and I said "No, I'm not going to get that for you". Between the coma-inducing rants, I managed to make a big purchase....a potty for Zach. Yes, it begins. The long road to potty training. More sighs. Zach was thrilled. We had been talking about it, and I showed him the options and we talked about what he would rather do - sit on mommy & dahu's potty, or sit on his own. After much deliberation, we purchased one that would sit as it's own, then later convert to one that we put on our toilet. Zachary was very excited about it. That first day he sat on it many times (with no results), and the second day a few times, and nothing at all the next day. But, we've started the process. We went (read: walked the less than a mile) to the library this week. Zach checked out about 15 books about cars, and the librarian also located "Once Upon a Potty" for me. We have read that a few times, but Zach doesn't really care about Joshua going "wee wee and poo poo". He is MUCH more interested in his books about buses, dump trucks, race cars, trains, etc. I realize it is a slow process, and honestly I'm not all that motivated to get him started, but I am making it available, and we'll start really working on it.

So that takes care of one boy. What about Wyatt? Well he also had a very big day. After much searching on,, yard sales, and the thrift store, we were never able to find a baby seat for Wyatt. I wanted something where we could put him while we were eating that would entertain him and also something that would work for us to feed him in until our highchair arrives at Thanksgiving. I ended up getting a seat that looks/acts like the popular Bumbo seat but also has a detachable activity ring. So that package arrived on Tuesday. Zach and I put it together right away, though he was sad that I wouldn't let him sit in it. Wyatt seems to enjoy it. HOWEVER, this is not really his BIG DAY; it is merely the prelude. Wyatt, today, drum roll please, started rice cereal! Yea Wyatt - the first step to being independent. Alas, he was not really thrilled with the whole thing. His second night was better, his third night was awful, and tonight he was indifferent. He seemed to be like "well, Mom, if you WANT me to eat this stuff I will, but can't we do something else instead". Sigh again. The plus side is that he IS sleeping longer. The first night was no different, and I was so upset when he awoke at 3am (after only 7 hours of sleep for him) to nurse. The next two nights were better - a record breaking 9hrs and 45 minutes, then 9 hours. We're getting there. Technically "sleeping through the night" by pediatrician standards, but when that 7,8,9 hours starts at 8pm, then that's not really getting it done for me. I'm aiming for that 11, 12 hours. pretty please.

So there you go, one day, two big changes for both my boys.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Zachary & Buster - Reunited!

Some of you may remember Buster, Art's giant teddy bear that we got for $50 at a grocery store of all places. If we had known how popular he would be, we would have bought several and given them as gifts (Janneke, Ulricksons, among others). Buster lived with Jess, Dave, and Sam in Albuquerque while we were trotting about in Europe for 22 months (sounds better than 'living in Duesseldorf'). Art feels very badly for Sam (who is 4 months older than Zachary) - he broke down bawling when Art and Dave took Buster away from Sam. :( Our Zach does not even remember Buster, since Zach was 4.5 months old when we left Albuquerque. Buster must have remembered Zach though, because their reunion was a grand affair. Zach LOVES Buster, or as he calls him "BIG bear". He sits with him daily. In the pictures, Zach is also holding my old teddy bear, Barnaby, whom Zach calls "baby bear". Big bear and Baby bear MUST always sit together. Buster looks very cute in our playroom/guestroom. Sam, we do feel badly for you and now your new sister Stephanie...if we ever find one like him for $50 again, we promise we'll buy you one. Tell your parents to keep checking Albertsons.


Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17: Boys hanging out

Here are some pictures of the boys hanging out in their new place. Today we went to Family Dollar (I didn't know those places still existed!) to find a temporary diaper pail until ours arrives at Thanksgiving. I didn't find anything, but I DID find something new for Zach - playdoh. When we visited Stephanie Hampton and her 2 boys while in ATL, Drew was playing with some playdoh. Zach had never played with any before and was intrigued. THEN, at one of the churches we've tried, here in Chicago, Zach's Sunday School was using playdoh. SO..I thought, well let's get some. Just to test his interest, I got a small 4-pack (for $1 - Woo hoo!). He really enjoys it. Ok, so mostly he really enjoys putting it into and out of the "correct" jars, but he did love it when I made a yellow bus, a blue truck, a red car, and a green car. He is starting to get more and more into it, and mush it around a bit more. Easily worth the pocket change. We'll branch out and get some accessories at some point. He has a plastic placemat that must be used with it and he enjoys getting that out of the china cabinet and putting it all back when he's done. My little neat freak! :) Here is Wyatt just hanging out wherever Zach is - taking it all in. Wyatt loves to be around Zachary. There is another picture of Zachary and Wyatt in Zach's new Cars toddler bed, complete with various transportation sheets. I'll have to post a picture of Zach and his new bed. He LOVES it. Also loves that it is red. He does still ask permission in the morning and after naps to get up out of bed. I'm ok w/ that. I'd rather get up and tell him it's ok than have him roaming the house quietly while I'm asleep. No telling what he'd get into.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

That Crazy Cat

One day I could not find Dexter. I was pretty sure he was in the house, since it was raining outside, but where was he hiding?? Not on the changing pad, where he likes to sleep. Not on the end of my bed. Not in our closet, hiding in the paper bag. Not stretched out on our 'cuddly chair'. As I was walking back to the playroom/guest room, I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. He was sacked out in Zach's portable high chair. So odd. Zach found him later and yelled "Khaki, NO! Khaki so FUNNY". Cute, IMHO.
