Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, July 07, 2008

July 6: Bye Bye Baby Hair

A sad day for many, including mom. Zachary's hair, which had never been cut (apart from two bang trims) in his 2+ years of life, had finally gotten too too too out of control. His little wings over his ears made him look like Sally Field in The Flying Nun (a classic show Staci and I used to love). We knew it would be a difficult task, cutting Zach's hair, because he so loathes anything touching his head. He does not even enjoy to have his hair/head stroked, which is such a natural thing to do when you are cuddling with him. So we realized that the project had "disaster" written all over it, but we had no choice. We set his high chair in the kitchen and put the dvd player on the counter armed with a video that usually makes him catatonic. It worked for a bit, but the second he heard the clippers, he started saying "oww, oww, oww" before we even got near him. I did what I could with the clippers in short spurts, then tried to complete the task with the scissors. It is certainly not the best job I've ever done, but it was not the worst either. I am hoping to be able to polish it up a bit later - perhaps when he is sleeping or something. We just gave up with him after about 30 minutes.

Here are pictures of the "after" look and the set-up of the kitchen & cut hair. We didn't take any pictures during the process b/c it took both of us at 100% to keep him calm and occupied.

I am very sorry for those of you that will be sad by this blog entry. Zach's little curls are gone, and may never come back. His hair is still plenty long - longer than we want it to be, but it's the best we could do at this point. It is a little sad for me even to have all of his fine wispy hair gone. But, he is a big brother now, and needed to look like a big boy and less like a baby. Our little guy is growing up so fast.



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