Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

November 2007: Child Labor Laws? – Zachary & dishes

One of the fun things that Zach likes to do is help with the dishes. Primarily he likes to be the one to load things into the sink, but he is willing to help scrub from time to time. This is great, because a few times a week Art and Zach can get the dishes done BEFORE Zach goes to bed – much better than Art and I doing them once Zachary is asleep. We are grateful that he is still a helpful little boy and likes to do as many “big” things as he can. I definitely take advantage of him knowing where the trashcan is and have him “please go put this in the trash” quite frequently. Here are some pictures and a video of Zach doing the dishes. They were taken in November 2007, but it is something that he still enjoys doing now, in February 2008. When he is not playing with all his cars of course.



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