Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feb 2008 - 6 Months Pregnant

Ugghhhh.....I feel like a whale! I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I am seriously starting to feel it. However, I am very grateful, because I really have no serious ailments and we have some friends right now that are having serious pregnancy ailments. So I'm more just complainy.

This baby boy is already very different from Zachary, and he's not even born yet. For example, during Zach's ultrasounds, he would rotate his body to wherever the wand was and spread his legs wide - enough so that they technician said "yes, we know you are a boy, but I need your arm measurements". Baby boy 2 however curls inwardly and shys away from the wand. The most noticable difference between the boys is the amount of movement. Zachy was a serious mover - very hyper (surprise right?), and zooming all over the place. Baby 2 is more subdued. He moves around a bit, mainly after I eat, and he likes to poke/kick me in the same place over and over to the point of annoyance. I generally end up giving him a little shove so he'll move to somewhere else. I think he does it on purpose to irritate me. :)

The pregnancy is going well thus far and they are pleased with where everything is.

On a side note, I realize these aren't the best ever pictures, but I claim that I have been sick w/ a cold for the past 4 days. I have been feeling very guilty that I have not taken any pictures of this pregnancy when I have one a month w/ Zach. So I will try and do better.

Also, I have been looking back at very late pregnancy pictures from last time, and have decided there is NO WAY that I can possibly stretch that big, and I will just refuse to get that big. Hruumph. Seems impossible that the human body can do that.

Zach is intrigued with the belly. When he can't get my attention, he has figured out that a hit to the belly gets immediate results. When I tell him to "be gentle to mommy", he then pets me, as though I am Dexter. He occasionly will just walk up to me and gently pat the belly or rest his head on it (neither of which he did prior to it being humongous).



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