Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, February 11, 2008

November & December 2007 Antics

Lots of silly pictures were taken in the 6 weeks prior to our extended visit to the U.S. – not surprisingly, most of them involve Zachary.

Two sets of pictures depict a typical evening at our house. Generally, after dinner, Art and Zach play play play, which involves a multitude of physical activities (wrestling, throwing onto the bed, riding the horse, etc). This goes on until it is nearly Zach’s bedtime. It is easy to see why he is grateful to be in bed – he gets exhausted from all the playing. 2 (Nov 17) of the pictures were while Zach and Art were resting from all their playing – both sprawled out on the floor. I like that they have matching pillows for their rest time. 2 others (Dec 9) show Art holding strong as the horse, and Zach needing a rest during his long ride. Check out Dexter’s eyes in one of these! No wonder people fear him! :)

Two pictures (Dec 1) were taken from our InsideOut (church youth group) Christmas party. Zach really enjoyed wearing the wobbly headband. I could not get him to stand still long enough to take a picture. See if you can guess who is behind the disguise, holding Zach. :)

On Dec 5th, Art’s work had a Christmas party. One of the families there was quite familiar to Zach. We had spent the day at their house, and they were also along on the Spain conference. Their youngest daughter, Luca, had quite an affection for Zach. She enjoyed that he would let her lead him around whereas her two brothers would not generally indulge her. Here are two pictures showing Zach has already learned it is best to just let the ladies do what they want. I love the smile on Luca’s face as she is looking at her hand holding Zach. Zach was up well past his bedtime, but was doing great until their 3 kids left. He melted down soon after they were gone, and we of course left the party early.

Here is a picture (Dec 6) of Zach preparing to help me pack our suitcases for our 4 week US trip.

On Dec. 8, we took a bus, then a train to Mulheim to attend Hannah’s 3rd birthday party (she is the bi-lingual who taught Zach to say Nein). Here is Zachary waiting at the bus stop, and then again playing with Mom on the train.

Dec. 9th, we decided to capture some of Zach enjoying his bath times. He loves to run nakey from his room to the bathroom and splash around. He hates his face and head to get wet though, so that always puts a damper (har har) on bath time fun! We liked the look of his faux-hawk here (guys in Düsseldorf don’t have real mowhawks, but they like to wear their hair as though they do, hence the fauxhawk)

The last picture is from Dec 29th, after a weekend in Savannah for Counts Family Day. Zach was exhausted, and very cutely (IMHO) asleep in the car, using his Beluga whale as a pillow. This is one of the few pictures we have of our 4 weeks in the US since everyone else was taking so many! Our camera got a break until we came back to Düsseldorf.



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