Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb 11: Dexter the Vulture

Dexter startled me the other morning. Zach and I both slept late and Art was already gone for work. When I finally dragged myself out of bed and got Zach, I was still pretty groggy. I went to the kitchen to get our breakfasts started. I noticed a slight movement above my head and looked up. I practically jumped backwards with surprise. Before Art left for work, I asked him if Dexter was inside or out, and he said out. So there was our little liger (lion-tiger mix) perched inside the big mixing bowl we keep on top of the kitchen cabinets - just staring down peacefully, yet a little scarily. He stayed there, just watching me until I had gotten breakfast on the table. Slighly unsettling really. But he is pretty. :)


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