Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Zachary - Picture Dump

Looking through pictures, I am far behind on the blogs. So this one is just a picture dump of cute things (IMHO) that don’t really go together with one theme.

1. Zach trying to get back to Albuquerque, via the Santa Fe train.
2. Zach helping me with the chores: vacuuming.
3. Art and Zach playing with the fire truck.
4. Zachary looking like a big boy with his backpack.
5-6. Dexter and Zachary caught together. Dexter on the table where he is not allowed, and Zach, I’m sure, up to something (perhaps plotting to give away food).
7-9. Zach’s new-to-him crib. Oom Hans and Tante Jop were very generous to lend us their baby crib for Zach. He has been sleeping in an older pack-and-play of Tante Mieke’s, that we had been adding more and more padding to. Now, however, thanks to the Hekkings, Zach is sleeping on a real mattress in a real crib. I love that this crib has been used for so many kids in so many generations – the neatest thing is that Art’s Mom slept in this crib!

7.8 Visiting Zach's Oma & Opa

Mam and Pop flew into Holland this week, and ¾ of Team Counts – Düsseldorf headed to Utrecht to visit them. We stayed with Oom Taco and Tante Anneke who, due to their 2 grandkids, have all the items we need for Zach (high chair, crib, etc) which makes traveling so much easier….not having to lug all those things with us. We arrived Friday at lunchtime and had lunch with Oma and Tante Mieke. We spent most of the day just visiting everyone. We went downtown to get a few things we needed, then had dinner at Oma’s as well. Saturday, Art was nice enough to watch Zach for the morning so I could go shopping with Annemieke and just enjoy myself. It was a wonderful morning off! Then after lunch at Tante Anneke & Oom Taco’s, we went downtown with Mam & Pop. We strolled around, did some shopping, and had a nice tea/coffee/juice break at a cafe until dinner, which was at Oma’s again. We put Zach to bed in his stroller, but he woke up screaming and sweaty, so we headed back to the Walter’s with Mam & Pop in tow. Sunday was a more relaxing day – Zach slept LATE, which was wonderful. We spent the morning chatting with Oom Taco & Tante Anneke, then headed over to Oma’s for Zach’s morning nap. While he was down, Art, Mam, and I to the boat out for a little cruise down the canal. After lunch, we took Zach to a nearby park where he could roam around and see the ducks. He got so tired he finally asked to get back into the stroller. These are some of the pictures that were taken during the Utrecht weekend.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

End of June: Zach’s current favorite “toy”

As Art likes to say: “Zach loves pot”. What he really means is that Zach loves A pot. He has taken a liking to opening the cabinet doors and getting out our pots and pans. He carries them around the house, looking for good ingredients, and pausing every so often to stir it all up, or to let you take a gander at what he is brewing. Now, Zachary loves all of our pots and pans, but there seems to be one in particular that is his absolute favorite. He went a few days where his pot was more important than his paci. He takes that pot with him everywhere still, but there were a few days where it was a little out of hand. These pictures chronicle those days. Some say the greatest love is a boy and his dog – we see here that it is a boy and his pot. (yes, Art is giggling)


Dexter – good, bad, & asleep

This is a Dexter-only blog. As most of you know, Dexter has both devil horns and angel wings. When he is not either of those, he is asleep. Here are some of those states of Dexter caught on film.
1) Dexter’s cute paws while sleeping
2) Dex caught in the act of eating Zach’s food that had not yet gotten cleaned up from the table. He seems to be saying “what?!”
3) Dexter hiding from Zach in his cat house. He popped his head up to get a glimpse of where the Zila Monster was.
4) Dexter likes when we watch movies. I generally have a blanket over my legs, and have them propped up. This creates a tent of sorts that Dexter cannot resist. I love it, because I get Dex ‘sort of’ cuddles for almost 2 hours.

We do love our cat.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

June 23rd - InsideOut Party

On June 23rd, we threw a party for our youth group, InsideOut, at the church. I am posting the pictures they took w/ our Macbook photo booth program.
