Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Zachary - Picture Dump

Looking through pictures, I am far behind on the blogs. So this one is just a picture dump of cute things (IMHO) that don’t really go together with one theme.

1. Zach trying to get back to Albuquerque, via the Santa Fe train.
2. Zach helping me with the chores: vacuuming.
3. Art and Zach playing with the fire truck.
4. Zachary looking like a big boy with his backpack.
5-6. Dexter and Zachary caught together. Dexter on the table where he is not allowed, and Zach, I’m sure, up to something (perhaps plotting to give away food).
7-9. Zach’s new-to-him crib. Oom Hans and Tante Jop were very generous to lend us their baby crib for Zach. He has been sleeping in an older pack-and-play of Tante Mieke’s, that we had been adding more and more padding to. Now, however, thanks to the Hekkings, Zach is sleeping on a real mattress in a real crib. I love that this crib has been used for so many kids in so many generations – the neatest thing is that Art’s Mom slept in this crib!


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