Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

End of June: Zach’s current favorite “toy”

As Art likes to say: “Zach loves pot”. What he really means is that Zach loves A pot. He has taken a liking to opening the cabinet doors and getting out our pots and pans. He carries them around the house, looking for good ingredients, and pausing every so often to stir it all up, or to let you take a gander at what he is brewing. Now, Zachary loves all of our pots and pans, but there seems to be one in particular that is his absolute favorite. He went a few days where his pot was more important than his paci. He takes that pot with him everywhere still, but there were a few days where it was a little out of hand. These pictures chronicle those days. Some say the greatest love is a boy and his dog – we see here that it is a boy and his pot. (yes, Art is giggling)



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