Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 27, 2007

7.8 Visiting Zach's Oma & Opa

Mam and Pop flew into Holland this week, and ¾ of Team Counts – Düsseldorf headed to Utrecht to visit them. We stayed with Oom Taco and Tante Anneke who, due to their 2 grandkids, have all the items we need for Zach (high chair, crib, etc) which makes traveling so much easier….not having to lug all those things with us. We arrived Friday at lunchtime and had lunch with Oma and Tante Mieke. We spent most of the day just visiting everyone. We went downtown to get a few things we needed, then had dinner at Oma’s as well. Saturday, Art was nice enough to watch Zach for the morning so I could go shopping with Annemieke and just enjoy myself. It was a wonderful morning off! Then after lunch at Tante Anneke & Oom Taco’s, we went downtown with Mam & Pop. We strolled around, did some shopping, and had a nice tea/coffee/juice break at a cafe until dinner, which was at Oma’s again. We put Zach to bed in his stroller, but he woke up screaming and sweaty, so we headed back to the Walter’s with Mam & Pop in tow. Sunday was a more relaxing day – Zach slept LATE, which was wonderful. We spent the morning chatting with Oom Taco & Tante Anneke, then headed over to Oma’s for Zach’s morning nap. While he was down, Art, Mam, and I to the boat out for a little cruise down the canal. After lunch, we took Zach to a nearby park where he could roam around and see the ducks. He got so tired he finally asked to get back into the stroller. These are some of the pictures that were taken during the Utrecht weekend.



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