Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Opa & Oma Visit!

Opa and Oma had been trying to get away and come up here for weeks and weeks, but something kept coming up.  This weekend they finally made it!  They called on Wednesday and said "we'd like to come Friday", and we said 'Absolutely'.  We rearranged some things we had planned, and then kept some other things the same, and just enjoyed them being here.  BUT boy did they work hard; esp Opa.  They had brought the unfinished crib/toddler bed up, and got it done while they were here.  Sanding, priming, painting. They did it, and it got done.  We did a few other things while they were here though!

On Saturday, the Dutch school was throwing a party to celebrate the Queen of the Netherland's birthday (Koninginnedag).  I thought it was a big party thrown by the Dutch club of Chicago, but it turned out to be a small party thrown by just the Dutch school.  One of Zachary's friends from school, Visanth, was there with his mom, which was fun for Z.  Since nearly all the games for kids, instructions, and announcements were in Dutch, Oma got to go help out the big boys.

Zach and Wyatt were on the "yellow" team, and Oma is helping them at each activity center

Later Saturday evening, Oma babysat Yannick while Art and I and the boys went to the Watsons' house for a cookout in honor of some old friends (Pigstorm) who used to live in Evanston but moved back to Singapore in 2009.

Sunday was church.  Then our Ethos group planned a kickball tournament with another group.  Opa and Oma again preferred to babysit Yannick instead of going.  It worked out great, because that meant that Art and I could both play kickball and be involved in the game.

Monday, Oma went to Zachary's school.  First we ate lunch with him (Wyatt and Yannick just had snack), then we played outside on the playground with his class, then Oma got to read a story to his class.

Zachary introducing Oma to his class

Oma reading to his class - Zach is sitting by Oma, and Wyatt is there wearing red pants, sitting on a purple circle.

Mrs. Soverinsky let Wyatt sit and listen to the story as well.  She said Yannick could, but I declined since he decided he'd rather pull all the books out rather than sit and listen to one.  So I mostly spent the 20 minutes or so out in the hall with him.

Here are all the rewards from their hard work:

Our little guy proud of his new bed!

It was an enjoyable visit, and a bit too short.  They left on Wednesday, so we would have a few days to regroup before Aunt Joy came to visit.

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