Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Go Cubs Go!

Art and I have been putting off taking the big boys to a Cubs game because we fear they will quickly lose interest and want to go home, making it a waste of time, money, and energy.  Just when we were thinking "hmmm, maybe this summer we'll take them", Zachary gets invited to go to a Cubs game with his friend from Kindergarten, Eli.  My first thought was to say NO...not because I thought he should not be up so late, or because it might be cold, but no, I wanted to say No, because I am selfish.  I wanted their first Cubs game to be with US, his PARENTS.  Sigh.  But, as Art pointed out, it was a good opportunity for him, and we should not hold him back because we might, one day, want to take him.  Sigh.  So we let him go.

Here Z is, ready to go, complete with ball cap, ball glove, and baseball sweatshirt.

It was a cold night, so he also had to take a ski hat, mittens, and winter coat.  Of course he had a blast.  Eli's mom said Eli got bored way before Zachary did.  I am sad to have missed a first with him, but am glad that he got to do this.
**editor's note: 2 months later, Zach is still bragging about getting to go to a Cubs game**



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