Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Things That Make Them Happy

Sometimes I am surprised by the things that make our boys happy.  Today for instance, Wyatt decided that he would like to take a nap in Yannick's pack-n-play, in the basement, where Yannick normally naps.  I thought "strange, but ok".  So I put Yannick in his crib upstairs, and let Wyatt nap downstairs, not knowing if he would fit.  He did. Barely.

All curled up with "tufty bear", who in another life was "Barnaby"

Zachary with his army

Art has been letting the boys play Heroes of Might and Magic with him every other evening.  Big boys love it!  So much so that they have been creating their own armies nearly every day.  Here is Zachary with one of his.  I like the use of many different elements: bristle blocks, a whale, of course many action figures, but also a wooden robot. :) And no army would be complete without some 30+ yr old Ewoks from my own childhood.  I doubt I ever played with them in this way!



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