Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, December 05, 2011

Zachary Playdate

I hate playdates.  I really do.  I know they love to play with their friends yada yada yada.  I don't like them because Zachary has been gone all day at school and then I don't get any time with him after school because of a playdate.  So we don't do TOO many of them.  Today, Zachary had his good buddy and neighbor, David, over to play.  After they exhausted themselves with light saber battles, football, and wrestling, they decided to take it down a notch and do some intellectual activities.  So so odd to me to see my 5 year old playing chess with his friend.  Seems surreal.  They both love the game, and we're all playing quite a bit now.  David goes to chess club after school on Thursdays and is therefore better than Zachary, though he holds his own.

Boys playing chess after their snacks



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