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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving - Food Craft

This year, all the Counts extended family were either very busy with upcoming weddings, or newly married, or very very far my entire "Sklar" clan came to us for Thanksgiving.  Everyone wanted to check out the new place.  It was going to be a full house...until the C family informed us they were leaving for Thanksgiving and would love to have a house sitter, so we sent Staci and Creed to stay at their house (4 houses down the street from ours).  Worked out well for them b/c they were not on a mattress in our office floor, but a real bed in a house where there are no kids that either 1) wake up and cry in the night or 2) wake up and play at 6am!!

Still, a full house.

Aunt Joy came over on Wednesday morning.  Her specialty she does with the boys every visit is a craft - usually a food craft.  Mommy is a bit "challenged" with crafts...unless there are explicit instructions!

This year, Aunt Joy decided to make rice krispy treat pumpkins.  So cute (and good - yes, I ate the lion's share of them - It's my house, back off!)!!

They had a great time with Aunt Joy and always love doing crafts with her.  It was fun having a kitchen big enough for everyone to be in.  The big boys like to sit on the counter and be involved with stuff and look out the window.



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