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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - Full House!

We did a very poor job taking pictures during the Thanksgiving trip - probably because everyone else took great pictures.  My Dad sent out a link to his picasa site with pics from the entire visit, so if I can get my act together, I'll see if I can steal those and add them to a general Thanksgiving post.  We did lots of stuff.

Thanksgiving Day, Joanna and her roommate came up from Chicago to spend the day with us.  Joanna stayed with us, but Connie left a bit after dinner.  Art and I like to make a practice of having someone non-family with us for Thanksgiving dinner.  We asked a few people (like our Sr. Citizen Ms. Beanie), but everyone already had plans, so it worked out great that Connie could make it.  We played Scattegories a few times and had a thrown together lunch which was all fun.  We worked on the Thanksgivng meal on and off all day.  Dad graciously bought a turkey from Merle's again, Joy provided the pies, Faye wonderfully brought the green beans, the mashed potatoes and the yummy sweet potatoes!  Easy peasy meal!  Art, per his wishes, made the stuffing - his Oma Sweet's recipe.

On Friday we took a trip downtown.  We walked around, saw the bean, visited the German Christmas market, and then saw a movie in the private movie theater room in Joanna's apartment building (which was super super cool, and I want to do it again!).  Plenty of great pics, so I'll have to get them.  But, here are the very few we have from Thanksgiving day.

Ooo wee, I do love seeing men work in the kitchen!!  Creed helped put the top on the apple pie - made a cute GT.

chatting post-lunch

chatting post-lunch



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