Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Zachary - Can take the boy out of the south, but can't take the south out of the boy

Cornbread. It's all the rage with Zach right now. He likes to have cornbread as dessert after nearly all his meals. And, once, after I went to get the cloth to clean him, I caught him eating cornbread out of the pan w/ his spoon. Of course I had to document it before disciplining him! :)

He also loves BBQ Sauce. He will dip a fry, or anything really, into the BBQ sauce and then suck the sauce off, then of course double dip his fry. To be honest though, he is like this with most sauces: salsa, zaziki, etc.



Blogger a said...

Zach eats like a real man. Yeah! :)

3:21 PM  

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