Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers>

Friday, October 05, 2007

Same in Any Language

Here is proof that some things are the same in any language. This, as many of you would recognize, is my positive home pregnancy test for baby #2. We are indeed expecting another bundle of joy to arrive the first few days of June – right after Zach turns 2 on May 31st. We do not yet know if the baby will be born in the US or Germany; that will depend on where and when Art gets a job.

The wand shows 1 line for “nicht schwanger” or 2 lines for “schwanger”.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Zachary - Can take the boy out of the south, but can't take the south out of the boy

Cornbread. It's all the rage with Zach right now. He likes to have cornbread as dessert after nearly all his meals. And, once, after I went to get the cloth to clean him, I caught him eating cornbread out of the pan w/ his spoon. Of course I had to document it before disciplining him! :)

He also loves BBQ Sauce. He will dip a fry, or anything really, into the BBQ sauce and then suck the sauce off, then of course double dip his fry. To be honest though, he is like this with most sauces: salsa, zaziki, etc.


Zachary walking a mile in Shayna's shoes

Well, maybe not a mile, and maybe not shoes per se. BUT, Zachary has discovered the fun of wearing my Duck house slippers and walking around. He has tried, for quite some time now, to walk around in Art's, and even his Poppi's shoes, but they just don't stay on his feet. Now he can wear giant clown shoes and they stay on! In the morning, if he isn't too too hungry, he will run find the slippers and bring them to one of us, then give us his patented "unnn unnn" whine. I am attaching a few pictures, and am trying to attach my first video - a new blogger feature.


Sept 27: Happy Birthday Dexter

Dexter is now officially in his "terrible twos". His birthday (or so we decided, since we knew he was born in Sept., and we adopted him on the 27th of Jan) was today, September 27th. To celebrate, Dexter got to spend as much time as he wanted to outside, and got lots and lots of treats. One treat that was not planned was him helping himself to the leftover chicken that I had not yet put away! I was trying to get a shot of him w/ the container stuck on his head, but by the time I grabbed the camera, he had figured out how to use his paw to get the remaining chicken and the container was no longer stuck on his head. boo.


September 30: New Experience for Zach

Last Sunday, Art helped a lady at church move some furniture around and out of her house. She asked us to stay for lunch, which turned out to be a lot of fun (we were not sure it would be since it was after 1pm and Zach had not yet gone down for his morning nap).

Judy, the woman whose house we were at, introduced a new thing to Zach: bubbles! Why we have never blown bubbles around him nor thought to do so is an oddity, but she brought some out and Zach was transfixed! He loved them! So now we are in the market for some bubbles!

Here are some pictures.
