Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September: Random Fun Facts

With no real news to report, I am posting a blog of just random things about us that I think about, but never remember to put in actual blog form.
- He started drinking from a straw back in May, but I still think it is the cutest darn thing. Unfortunately, he likes it so much that I can no longer enjoy a splurge of Caprisun around him, b/c he insists on getting a drink from the straw as well.

- For several months Zach was fascinated by turning the lights on and off. Some switches are looser than others, and quite easy for him, but others continue to baffle him.

- A new fun game for Zach is to lower the metal shades (rolatto) in his bedroom. He climbs up on the twin bed in his room and turns the knob to lower the shades. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he cannot turn the knob the other way to raise the shades. Part of every morning is spent in alternating light and dark in his room.

- Several weeks ago, Zach learned to stick his tongue out. We of course encouraged this b/c it was so funny (yes, we knew it was a bad idea). So he started using this as a way to say "please". He would ask for a cookie/juice/mouse/whatever, and when we would say no, he would stick out his tongue, all the way (not in the impertinent way of straight out), then pull it in again and smile. He was trying to get us to smile so that we might let him get what he wants.

- I was shocked not long ago how much of a little boy is in our tiny toddler. Zachary and I were walked to a playground near our house. As we were walking by a wooden picket fence, he stuck out his free hand (one was holding my hand) and ran his hand along the fence as we walked. It seemed like such a little boy thing to do. No longer a baby!

- Our little boy is now feeding himself with a spoon. If we put his food into a bowl, he will scoop it up and into his mouth. Of course he is still no pro, so many times food misses. It is such fun to see him eating "like a big boy" while we are also eating our food.

- Zach, like every toddler, loves loves loves to dance. He will often go over to the silent stereo and point at it and whine and stomp. He wants music! We have been impressed by his dance skills. His moves include the bounce, twirl, arm swing, and stomp. He has not incorporated the break dancing in again since we saw it at Annemieke's.

- Yea! Zach is finally clapping! He just did this last week. It is one of those skills that never got accomplished "according to timetable". All these tiny babies were clapping and Zach wanted nothing to do with it. Until now. He has even started incorporating it into his dance routine. So cute!

- So I hate to put this in, knowing my parents will be 'furious'. Zachary is a German toddler. He will not wave "bye bye", but he WILL wave when he hears "Tschüs!" (sounds like choos) which is how the Germans say bye informally.

- More German toddler. We think that Zach might be saying "Nein". He hears it a lot from his 2 year old friend Hannah. And now he has been saying this - we think, when we tell him no, or try and take something from him.

- Possible words: Ok, it is very hard to tell, but we think that Zach is finally got some words that we can recognize. He chats with us constantly and fully believes he is saying real words, but we are now starting to see them as well. We THINK he has been saying "tat too we" for Zachary. "Eees" for trees, when he points outside. And possibly "Eees" for eats/eating. He has said "tat too we ees" when I said "Is Zachary eating cheese?". So, we are not really confident that he is saying these things, but he is desperate to communicate with us. Which is odd, b/c he outright refuses to participate in any sign language - or at least any I am trying to teach him. He has his own: pointing, and back arching for one.
- The boy loves to empty and refill the laundry basket. All laundry. The box in his room, our hamper in the bathroom, you name it. He is addicted to throwing clothes around.

- Remote controls. Every kid loves them. Zach does everything he can to get his hands on them. He knows which turns on the stereo and takes the remote over and points it at it, hoping. It is a struggle to keep them out of reach. Good thing they are rentals! :)

- We have officially joined our church. We are now members of the International Baptist Church of Dusseldorf. We thought we probably should be if we are going to be the youth leaders!
- The pastor and his wife have asked us to be on several committees at church. We have declined a few, but it is nice to be asked!

- No longer allowed in the market. They told Art that they could be fined if an inspector walks in and sees Dexter. Art had a very hard time last Saturday trying to wrangle Zach AND Dexter in the market. Every time he would throw Dexter out, in again he would come. Then a dog scared both Zach and Dexter so Art was trying to pay for the groceries with Zach screaming, frozen in position at the door, and Dexter, freaked out, running back into the market. Art had to leave all the groceries and collect the boys. He was pretty frazzled when he got home. Now, not surprisingly, Dexter has to stay in the house when we are going somewhere. He follows us everywhere.

That should be enough reading for now! The pictures are also sort of random. I can't remember what that temper tantrum was about - there are so many, who can keep track! :)



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