Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Zach's Silly Ways

This blog entry is mainly to capture many of the silly/fun things that Zach does right now, so that we won’t forget them.

Slanty Eyes: Zach has recently been squinting at us when trying to decide what emotion to show. Sometimes the slanty eye proceeds a scream, sometimes a smile. He seems to be contemplating the situation before committing to an action. We think it is very funny!

Head Shaking: Z now appears to be copying Mom. He has discovered that he can shake his head “No”, which Mom does a LOT to him. So now he does it back. At first it was for everything, just practicing, but it now appears he gets that it means “no” and will use it when he is done eating, or he does not want to take a nap.

Dad’s home: Zach is a BIG FAN of his Dad. When Art gets home, Z hears the door close and immediately stops what he is doing (even if it is playing w/ mom), and crawls his little heart out to meet Art. Then, he is very possessive of Dad. If I try to give a group hug, he pushes me away. If I try to get too close to Art, he pushes me away. It is very silly. Luckily I don’t mind, b/c I get PLENTY of Zach preference time. He gets over his “daddy fix” after 10-20 minutes and is equal opportunity again.

Paci addiction: As many of you know, Zach has attached himself to his pacifier as his “lovey” (security item). He loves it and must know where it is at all times. Yes, we do realize that he may be TOO attached to it, but it is not a battle we are willing to fight yet. So, we have started putting 2 spare pacifiers in his crib at night, in case he loses his, he can find another w/out us having to get up and help him. And he loves them all. One morning I walked in to get him out of bed and he had one paci in his mouth and one in each hand, in 7th heaven! So silly! Though, as the picture shows, he IS willing to share.

Paci quick suck: Another silly thing with his pacifier just started. In the morning only, with breakfast, Zach likes to have his paci nearby while he is eating. He will periodically put it in his mouth for a quick suck between bites of banana or yogurt. Sometimes he just sticks it in for a moment, and does not even suck it before he is ready for more food. So odd. Art loves this, and insists we keep the paci nearby for this purpose.

Swallowing: Another food related trait Zach has is shoveling food. We have to monitor how much we put on his tray to feed himself, b/c he likes to put all the pieces in his mouth at once, with out swallowing first. So he ends up with a mouth full that he is struggling to chew. Then, for some odd reason, he will try to swallow the entire lot at once, before it is properly chewed, while making a very pained expression. He just can’t wait for the next round of food, so he swallows to quickly. You would think the pain would teach him not to, but alas, he has not learned. He is a food wolfer.

Stairs: You would think that Zachary has been watching old documentaries of German military w/ their odd marching (w/ the legs going out straight in front of them), for that is how Z walks up stairs. He walks (with the assistance of mom or dad) up to the step, then, from too far back, sticks his let straight out in front of him, getting it on the step, then straight-legged, pulling himself up on the step. It is very fun to watch. He will be in for a big surprise if he tries that alone.

Mr. Potato Head: One of Z’s favorite toys right now is the nose from Mr. Potato Head (thanks to Stephanie Hampton for getting that for Art’s birthday back in 1997). He carries it around with him everywhere. Most of his toys he will give to you if you ask nicely for them, but he is reluctant to give up that red nose.



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