Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Zach - Dex: Sleeping cuties

Why is it that kids and animals are at their cutest when they are asleep? Probably the peace and QUIET! That, and Dexter looks so sweet when he is sleeping, and not attacking every bit of flesh that moves!

These are pictures taken throughout January that I thought were cute. Zach occasionally gets to nap in our bed, particularly on Saturdays, and it is a big treat for him - he gets very excited to be able to fall asleep between the two of us. His pictures is on one of those days where he sacked out in his favorite place. I just think Dexter looks cute covered w/ a blanket - I can't help it!The one of Dexter w/ is mouth open is him yawning - how he is comfortable sleeping up and down like that I do not know. The last Dexter picture is him in a new favorite place - an upside down cardboard box that has a 'door' cut out. It is hilarous to watch him flatten himself to slide under there!



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