Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

2.19 Zach's first trip to the Zoo

Zachary has visited the 'aquazoo' here in Dusseldorf, but this was his first trip to an actual zoo. On Feb. 19th, President's Day, Zach went to Zoo Atlanta with his mom, Aunt Staci and Nana. As expected, Zach did not care for many of the animals, but he DID get very interested in the Golden Tamarin Lion monkeys. He started and stared at them as they were jumping all over their cage. Unfortunately for Nana, the baby panda was asleep when we got there. Lucky for her, you can view the cute baby panda on the Zoo's Pandacam ( We got in for 1/2 price, because it was too cold to have all the animals on exhibit. It was about 45 degrees when we got there and they expected all the animals to be back on exhibit later in the day when it got to 50 degrees. We missed out on the Tigers, monkeys and several others, but the main reason we went was for the Pandas and they were on exhibit - sleeping of course. We got to watch the Elephants as they were being fed and put through their 'paces'. The kangaroos were neat - I don't remember seeing those before. After about 2 hours, we left and went to have lunch at Chili's. Zach slept the entire time at Chili's, he did not even get to eat his own lunch. I guess all that animal watching wore him out.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


You may not remember me. I'm, Candy, your mom's friend from church. When she told me she had been to see Zach (you and Art have faded into the background), I demanded pictures and sent her some of Adam (8-months old now) in trade. Zach is simply adorable. Don't you just love the look you get right before your precious little one trips and dives headlong into trouble? What a cutie you have

Keep enjoying that wonderful little guy!

Candy Cannon

2:10 PM  

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