Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy 100th Birthday Oma Sweet

Team Counts-Dusseldorf arrived in the United States (after a 10 hour flight - Zach did great - loves those flight attendants and 2 year old boys named JJ) on Jan. 31st. We came to the States for the sole purpose of celebrating Oma Sweet's 100th birthday. It was a great weekend in Mullins - the entire family was there. Zachary loved playing with his cousins - except for a time when Andrew stole his paci (Karl E. has a great video of this). It was wonderful to see everyone. Oma's party was a huge success and she looked great. Joel and Emily Eaton (plus Sam -4 and Andrew -11mon) came down from 'Raleigh' for the day. It was wonderful to see them again and catch up. Art had so much sweet tea it was coming out of his pores!

Art and I did pretty well adjusting to the time change quickly, but Zachary struggled quite a bit. Every night for about 5 nights had us up with him, holding him and trying to get him to go back to sleep. More than once we had to get up and start our day at 5:30am (as opposed to his normal 7am). He is not a great sleeper anyway and just needs any excuse to wake up and scream.


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