Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

ZMC & Dex friends

Dexter and Zachary have been getting to be better friends. Dexter has been trying so hard to cuddle with Zach recently - it is very cute. Dexter will come up to Zach and rub his head on him, or try to groom Zach (which of course Z hates). What is odd though is that Zachary seems to enjoy Dexter more from afar (at least a foot away) than up close and personal. Could be that every time he is up close Dexter either licks his nose or head, or something else that Zach isn't thrilled with. Yet, Z giggles up a storm when Dexter is near enough for Z to watch him.

In one picture, Dexter is laying on Zachary's legs. In the other, Dexter is waiting patiently (?) for his toy back, or for Zach to play with him. If you look closely, you can see the red wand that is near Zach. The wand is attached to a string w/ a feather on it - Dexter's currently favorite toy. I was a little nervous with Z playing with the red wand, with Dexter right there, but Dex was a good boy.

As a side note, I should be getting lazy-mother-of-the-year award. As you can see, I like to let Zach play in our bed(s) quite a bit - with me there too most of the time - because he can't get hurt if he falls over. AND, because sitting on the floor with him is awful - the floor is SO HARD. So we spend a lot of time just playing in the bed. Check out that wallpaper - yikes! Mom, you can see the pillowcases you gave us are coming in handy. Art hates the giant German pillows, and is very grateful that we packed his pillow!


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