Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

August: Zachary's Crazy sleeping

We have known for some time now that Zach sleeps in some bizarre positions. So for the month of August, we took a photo documentary of some of the more "comfortable" looking positions. First, however, it must be explained that Zachary is now sleeping in a "big boy" bed. The side of the crib folds down to turn the crib into a toddler bed. He LOVES getting into it on his own. In fact, the other night, after praying with him, I made the mistake of carrying him and putting him into bed. He said "no Mom", then climbed out of bed and stood by the side for a few seconds then climbed back into bed - presumably so he could do it on his own. What is nice is that he does not get out of bed until he has permission. Though some mornings we wish he would just get out and go play and not bother us with "Mom...Mama...Da-u...MOM...Mommy...Da-u" until we tell him it's ok to get out, but I think overall it is better that he waits. Ensures that we are awake when he gets up. Enjoy the craziness.

Ok, this last picture is a little different and needs additional explanation. One night here it was SO HOT. Zach could not sleep. He would be quite for a bit, then start crying. I would go in and wipe him down with a cold cloth and he would be ok for a bit. Finally around 10:30pm, we were just done with it. We put him in our bed, in only his diaper, to sleep with us. He lay there for a long time awake, but didn't cry again. Poor him. So this picture was a "like father like son" thing. Very cute to me. Both of them in their underwear, and both with just a bit of covers over them.


Friday, August 01, 2008

August 1: We can officially come to the USA!

Yes, we have already purchased tickets and told our landlady that we are leaving, and have started all the processes it takes for us to leave here (cancel internet, electricity, tithe, etc), BUT, we could NOT actually leave without a very important package arriving. It arrived today! Yea! What is this important package you ask?? Wyatt's passport and report of birth abroad arrived today! Can't leave the country without either one. WHEW! So now we're good to go. The attached big picture is Wyatt's passport picture. The smaller picture is a reminder of Zach's passport picture. The two boys are 17 days apart in age at the time of the pictures. Crazy.