Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

ZMC & Dex - BFF

Zach and Dex are getting to be better "friends". Zach now likes to share things with Dexter, and often offers up his pacifier (which is HUGE, since he is addicted to it), toys, and even food. Unfortunately for Dexter, Zachary is not great at depth perception or strengh of his 'sharing' yet, so Dex often gets pummeled w/ stuff, which, to his credit, he takes exceptionally well. I would get my face bitten off for that. Poor Dexter. This week Zach has experimented with closing doors. Dexter got closed in the kitchen door and the closet door this week. He is starting to occassionally hide when he sees Z coming at him w/ a smile.

The pict of them together was to record a moment where they were sitting together, just looking at one another for over a minute, neither moving, but Z smiling. Then I bring out the camera and they both look at me like bugger off. The other pictures are of them in the Counts bag (a tote bag from LL Bean that gets used ALL the time - thanks agian Joanna). Dexter likes to hide in it, so we somtimes carry him around in it. Art likes to bring him into the kitchen while I'm preparing dinner. Then one evening I was shocked that it was not Dexter, but Zachary in the bag. He loved it, and often tries to get back in, so Art will carry him around in it, which Z plays w/ his toys, sitting in the bag. So odd.



Blogger Monica said...

Shayna, when I lived in Japan my sister was around Zach's age. Her FAVORITE toy was a 4" high box that she would sit in. That and her baby tub. She'd spend hours pushing it under the bed, pulling it out, climbing in, and climbing back out. I think it's precious! - Monica :)

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