Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

ZMC - Teeth grinder

Since I have no picture to go with this blog, I can go ahead and post it. (All the other old posts are waiting for our computer to be fixed so I can upload the corresponding pictures).

Zachary is getting his 2 top teeth (all he wants for Christmas are his two front teeth). One of them you can see the white starting to poke through, but you cannot feel anything other than gums yet. However, yesterday, after a disturbing few hours, I finally figured that the 'awful grating sound' coming from Zach's mouth was in fact him grinding his bottom tooth on his new top tooth. The tooth is not yet visible, but you can feel it a bit. It was very concerning for a little while, until I figured it out. I kept checking his mouth to see if he had something in there that he should not be chewing on. He had a very strange facial expression to accompany the grinding and I thought 'what in the world'. There you go - Zach is a tooth grinder. His Tante Janneke would be proud (she is also a teeth grinder).

It should not be long before both of his top teeth are poking through enough to see AND feel.

From Zach: zzzzzzzzzßvf f00b 9vvvv (who is obcessed with the keyboard and mouse. Sigh)


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