Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Z.M.C - Slobber ball

This is disgusting really. Zach has a bean bag toy that I got for free in a box of 'Frosties' cereal (Frosted Flakes in the US, not sure why they have a different name here) that he LOVES to chew on. He can go to town on slobber ball for at least 10 minutes straight. When he finally is done with the ball, it is soaking wet. So gross. However, I had to take a picture because he is very funny with it. He will put it in his mouth and just hold it there, sucking on it as though it is a pacifier. So here he is with this bean bag stuck in his mouth, looking totally ridiculous, as the picture shows.


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