Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

ZMC - 6 Months Old!

Zachary is 6 months (sechs monat) old today. He celebrated by taking some SERIOUS naps! Usually he takes 3 naps a day, all about 1-1.5 hours long. Not today. Today he took a 2.5 hour nap in the morning and an almost 4 hour nap in the late afternoon. He still went to bed at 8pm with no problem. Apparently turning 6 months wore him out. He also celebrated by getting extra bananas (currently his favorite fruit) this morning and by trying a new veggie - eggplant. Though he will tell you the eggplant was NOT much of a celebration.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Z.M.C - Slobber ball

This is disgusting really. Zach has a bean bag toy that I got for free in a box of 'Frosties' cereal (Frosted Flakes in the US, not sure why they have a different name here) that he LOVES to chew on. He can go to town on slobber ball for at least 10 minutes straight. When he finally is done with the ball, it is soaking wet. So gross. However, I had to take a picture because he is very funny with it. He will put it in his mouth and just hold it there, sucking on it as though it is a pacifier. So here he is with this bean bag stuck in his mouth, looking totally ridiculous, as the picture shows.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dexter - Getting comfy

Prior to us getting a high chair for Zachary, we kept his car seat on a chair at the table so he could 'sit' with us during meals. Well Zach was not thrilled with that arrangement because he HATES his car seat. So Dexter took up residence with a "don't mind if I do" attitude.

11.14 - ZMC gets a high chair of his very own

As you can see from the pictures, Zachary loves his new high chair. We spent the first week in Düsseldorf with no high chair. We had to feed him his breakfast and dinner 'solid food' while holding him in our laps or sitting him on the table. There was a lot of fussing and complaining. I kept saying that he was fine in ATL and SAV when he had a high chair, and Art kept saying that surely a high chair would not make that much of a difference. Well, apparently there was some validity to what I was saying, bc when we got the high chair his fussing while eating stopped. He also like sitting in it playing with his toys, while we finish eating our dinner, MUCH better than sitting in his car seat playing with toys.

One of the ladies from church picked me up and took me to IKEA to get a high chair. She stopped at Walmart on here way to get me to see what they had, but she said their prices were pretty high. The chair was on sale for 10 Euro and the tray was an additional 3. She even bought the chair for me, saying it was a welcome to Germany present! Way too nice!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

ZMC - First days in Düsseldorf

Here Zach is with his Oma. He got to spend quite a bit of time with his Oma during his first few days in Dusseldorf. That was great for Art and I because we were able to take care of some errands (like setting up a bank account, seeing the apartment locator people, buying a cell phone - called a Handy here, and exploring the neighborhood) without lugging Zach along with the stroller and the thousands of other things he needs. Oma took Zach out for walks in the stroller and discovered that he loves to sit straight up so he can look at everything. It was a huge blessing for us to have her here with us those first few days.