Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, November 30, 2013


As always - November is a busy month.  Dad/Faye/Joy came to visit for Thanksgiving, but even before that we captured a lot of everyday life on 'film'.

Shayna repairing a rip in Buster's neck - emergency surgery!

Zachary showing off his dessert and his purchase during a Father-Son-Day-Sunday outing

Nick and I met Art for lunch at Apple

3 boys watching videos (probably Speedy Gonzalez) with Poppi

Back to the video!

Trip to the Lego Store at the mall.  Someone left this cart out - usually a $10 rental, so we used it for our trip.  It was heavy enough that I could perch Yannick on top near the push bar.  Here they are with the treats Poppi bought them.

Yannick with his turn in the fire truck

Everyone sad that Poppi left - OR, everyone watching football. 

Ahhh - the guest room is clean again and ready for the next guest!

I even got some pictures hung up!  Yes, that is an empty frame on top.  One project at a time!

Got the boys architectural letters hung up.  Now I need to put up the picture-display wire, OR wait for Dad to retun and take care of it.

Little guy and I having lunch outside on a warm day!

The next set of pictures are the final completion of a major (for me!) project.  Long long ago, before I was a married lady, my friend Christy gave me a large, heavy photo screen.  I had it for nearly a year before I finally put pictures in it.  Pictures from our 2000 Europe trip.  A few months ago, Zachary, playing FourSquare in the foyer of our Lockwood Dr. house, knocked the screen down, breaking it.  We picked several frames from Ikea to frame each picture individually and put it together.  Here are my trials for what it should look like.

After the 3rd choice, Art texted me "they all look great, pick one!"  So I got busy hanging them before our housewarming party to thank all that helped us move.

Look at this guy, doing a bridge all by himself, AND holding it!  He has come a long way (Zachary)

Dad wanted a picture of this pretty bush in our back yard.

Pictures up!  Whew!

Wyatt with his red velvet cookie and purchase during his Father-Son-Day Sunday outing

Our friend Joey Trees was so so so lovely and sent us some bags of my favorite Dutch treat - Hamka's chips.  Here we are enjoying them.  After the kids are in bed so I don't have to share! 

Yum!  Thanks Joey!

What a nice wife - sharing my treats!

Yes we know that it is upside down, but the bag popped open in the mail from the bottom.

The same friend, Joey, says "Boom" a lot, so I took this picture for her.

Boys enjoying a treat of cinnimon-sugar pretzle at Target

One of Yannick's favorite things to do is go to Rancho San Antonio and see if the model airplane guys are there.  Today they were.

Zachary doing a forward roll from a handstand

Lightning McQueen sporting a mustache for "Movember"

Z on 'crazy hair day' at school

Pretty crazy!

Wyatt chickened out of using this wig

Wyatt trying out the wig

Zachary testing the green wig

and the brown wig

Wyatt looks great in the green wig!

Oh Art.  No.

Boys playing Top Secret in the morning before school

Now off to Alexi's birthday party.  Making pizza at a Little Chefs Academy

Alexi's brother Aidan in his chef hat

Zachary's chef hat

Wyatt with his hat

Our boys

All the kids waiting for their pizzas to bake and listening to a story

Family bike ride to the park.  Boys watching a rocket kite

Hiking Day!

Three cuties sitting on a branch for a rest

Yannick insisting on wearing a 'packpack' to be like DaU

Like father like son

Lunch afterwards at Original Pancake House.  Zachary flew an airplane - right into Art's water. 

Wild bunch in a booth

Devouring chocolate chip panckakes and bacon

We pulled out the keyboard.  We intend to start piano lessons with Zachary at home.  

YEA!!!  A chick-fil-a opened up about 2 miles from our house.  Opening day was Oct 31.  Today we are breaking it in for the first time.  We got about 5 free sandwich vouchers.  Lucky Yannick, the only one not in school at lunchtime!

Considered buying this for Staci for Christmas.  

Brothers sharing a chair for snack time
Poppi and MiMi arrive.  We take a  little outing to McClellan Ranch for a little hike and visit the reptile house

Gross.  Dad with the hissing cockroach

Grosser.  Zachary holding it.

Brave Zach with a snake

Poor DaU - hates hates snakes, but boys insisted he hold one.  Very brave!

Little guy on his hike!

The rest of the month is Hearst Castle trip and Thanksgiving.  On different posts from this one.