Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, September 30, 2013

September Stuff Part 2

Boys taking a break from riding bikes to dig in the dirt - doesn't every family have a giant dirt pit to play in?

Goofball enjoying some oranges from the backyard.  

Yesterday, we all got icecream from MacCafe to have a snack with Art.  Everything they use is compostable or recyclable.  We took the little bowls home, thinking we would use them again because they are so cute.  We should NOT have put them in the dishwasher, as this is what came out of the diswasher.  Sturdiness does not make these products compostable etc.  

Zachary wanting to have a picture of mommy, and Wyatt wanting to be allowed to take a picture.

Watermelon Yum!!

Mom not feeling well this morning, stayed in bed with a bad headache.  Eventually, all three boys gravitated to the bed as well.

Tonight was a special event for the San Jose Earthquakes.  It was basically "Christian night".  With the purchase of your reduced ticket, you got into the game, but also into a pre-game "concert".  Art was in China, so I missed part of the concert to talk to him.  Poppi stayed home with the boys so I could enjoy a night out.
The band, missing their drummer, used their ipod for the missing music.

Go Quakes

A "protective" picture I had to take for Art, in honor of his highschool picture in the newspaper.

Halftime cultural dance.

Our friend Shea, and his teammate giving their testamonies after the game.

Bug parade!

Yannick and I worked on this bug parade, where all the other animals were watching the parade.  

Nick standing on a wobbly platform during a picnic lunch.

Zachary opted to NOT take karate this fall, and decided to join the ranks with Wyatt at gymnastics.

Zachary at gymnastics class, trying a bridge for the first time

Working on his splits

Better than Mommy!

Wyatt doing some hops on the beam

At school, mostly before school starts, Zachary's classmates play a game called "Rock/Paper/Scissors Stretch".  The person who loses has to move their foot forward.  Zach's splits are improving considerably because of this game.  Some of his classmates (guys & girls!) are amazing, and can do full splits to the ground.

Art and Wyatt playing rock/paper/scissors split

Zachary's losing position.  Can only put one hand down for support.  If two go down, or a knee goes down, the player loses.

Little guy with this new Buddy & Shiny (or is it Tiny) from Dinosaur Train.  Amazing what you can find at Goodwill with the tags still on!

Tonight Stevens Creek Elem had a fundraiser at Panda Express.  It was our date night, so Art was still at work, but I took the 3 hooligans by myself.  It was not their favorite.   Unfortunately, the tofu entree was spicy.  But we were able to get enough in 3 kids meals to find them all something to eat.  AND, this was a rare time when everyone was behaved and I enjoyed being out to eat with them.  Maybe because I was not also trying to eat.

Zachary and I playing Settlers of Catan while his brothers nap.  I have finally convinced him that NOT using the robber is the best way to play.  Sklar family rules!

We are going to go camping in a few days, so it is time to get the new tent out (thanks to the ladies in my family  for their birthday present!) and give it a trial run.  In the backyard of course.

Zachary and Art practicing sleeping

Wyatt and Yannick on the other end of the tent practicing.

Our new tent, a 10-man tent is HUGE!  We had been using our 4-man tent but last year it was too much.  Zachary and Wyatt were sleeping head to toe, and there was no room to roll over.  But man is this tent huge!  Reminds us of the Watsons!

Packing the soft top car carrier bag that Art received as a present.  Inaugral use!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Poppi visit: non-Disney

Art had a ten day trip to China scheduled, and Poppi agreed to come out to help out with the boys.  He arrived the day before Art was to leave.  Art and I agreed that we could take the boys out of school for a day to do something fun and educational - aquarium maybe?  Then, almost as a lark, on Saturday, an hour before Art left, and as Poppi was headed out the door to a highschool reunion in Napa, I suggested we drive down to Disneyland.  Art was ok with us going to Disney for the first time without him, partly because he thought it would be awful - the long lines, the complaining from the boys, etc.  Shocked that this could be a reality, I got to work making it happen.  This was Saturday morning, and we decided to leave Monday.  EEK!!  So.Much.To.Do.  :)   But that is for a separate post, this post is for some fun stuff with did with Poppi before we went on our trip.

Hanging out at the park

Wyatt and Zachary trying to "beat up" Poppi who can still fend two off at the same time!

Poppi attempting to interact with Zachary by having Z use his finger to work the iPad 

Off to Rancho San Antonio

Big pigs!

ZWY with the horse skeleton

horse skeleton

slide at church

slide at church II

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tobin Bday Party

Wyatt's best bud, Tobin, had his birthday party at a state park.  It was the weekend after we went to Disney. We wanted to make sure we were back in time for his party which is why we did not go over the weekend. 

Poppi with the 3 explorers

All the explorers headed out on a bug hunt, with their party favor safari hats and bug catching nets

Gotta find some bugs!

A banana slug!!  Our first sighting - too bad Art is in China and missing this!

Z holding onto the banana slug as it makes it's way out of the net 

Escape!  And a size perspective. 

Dessert!  Earthworms in dirt - yummy!

Gotta sing first

Messy though - Wyatt with Tobin


Wearing his dessert

Opening present time

A great party, we all had a wonderful time!