Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A View of the Future - Homework

Here are the boys, sitting at the bar, doing "homework".  Yannick napping.  I love love it.  Love our new kitchen, and they love being at the bar - makes them feel older.

Here, Zachary is working on his sight words.  I write the color word (red, blue, black, brown, yellow, purple, black - lots of 'B' colors) and he has to color the correct matching color in the box.  Wyatt is working on his own "homework".

Wyatt and Zachary doing homework at the bar


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sleepy Baby

Good Mom/Bad Mom??

Today, trying to get Wyatt ready for preschool, our little guy fell asleep on the floor.  Always feel badly when this happens for some reason.  But there he slept until we were ready to go!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Yannick's First Meal

Little Nick has been ready for solid food for awhile it seems.  He has been hungrier and hungrier after nursing, often not satisfied.  We wanted to wait until we moved and got a bit more settled to start him, but now, he is 5 months, and is ready.  So here we go!

He seemed more irritated by the bib than he did excited about food.  However, he was QUITE good at it.  None of the tongue thrust issues that babies often do when first trying food.  He seemed to know exactly what to do!  Easy peasy!

Yannick eating while Wyatt chats away


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Wyatt enters Preschool

This summer, we had decided to NOT send Wyatt to preschool at 3yrs old, like we did with Zachary.  First of all, I wanted him to be home more and not at school.  He does not need the socialization that Zachary desperately needed.  Second, now that we are not on scholarship, it is WAY more expensive.  We definitely wanted to send him when he is 4yrs old to the M-F Pre-K at the Y, but not the Ladybug class.  HOWEVER, an opportunity came up where we would be doing a favor for a family in our bible study group.  They were going to go back to Singapore for the fall quarter and wanted to make sure their son had a spot in preschool when they returned in January.  The only way to ensure this was to get someone to sublet his spot essentially.  So that someone is us.  We are now sending Wyatt to preschool 3x a week from 9-12 until the end of December.

Wyatt is EXCITED, especially since he will have his OWN school.  Also, his "good buddy" Alex, who was in his gym class with him last year, will also be a MWF Ladybug.  He was very calm and relaxed about the first day - very different from Zachary who was quite anxious.  Wyatt walked into that classroom like he owned it and had no hesitation playing with the toys or going up on the loft.  Some of his confidence was probably from his being at preschool so many times with Zachary - it was not a foreign concept.  The rest of his confidence is just him.  He is much more self assured.  Here is our little preschooler:
What a goofball!

At one of the tables getting ready for "morning work"

Humoring me with a smile while coloring

Checking out the cars area

We are so proud of our little guy.  It was such a different feeling, leaving Wyatt for the first day than it was leaving Zachary.  With Wyatt, I had no anxiety about him being sad or scared...perhaps a little anxiety about  having a potty accident.  Wyatt said "thanks Mom, see you later", a little kiss, and I was on my way!

Now back to the apartment to keep packing - 2 days until we close on the house!!
