Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Zach Being Cute (IMHO!)

Just some cute (in my humble opinion) pictures of Zach doing his normal cute things. Here is a picture of Zach stealing his mom’s blanket, made by Oma Sweet (even though Zach has his OWN blanket from Oma Sweet!). He now likes to play “asleep” with this blanket. He will lie down and get Art to cover him up with the blanket, saying things like “aww, so sleepy, sleep well, night night” etc, and Zach will lie there, still, for a bit, then bound up giggling. He generally plays this game at night, when it is near his bedtime, so he really is sleepy. Art thinks one of these days he is going to just fall asleep for real during this game! His pauses for ‘fake sleeping’ keep getting longer and longer. I am attaching a video that will hopefully work. I have seen other blogspot sites now where the videos were working. So, what you will hopefully see is a video of Zach running around in his diaper. Back in August. He generally would prefer to be this way, or better, totally nakey. His nakey run from his bedroom to the bathroom for his bath is a favorite time of the week for Zach. Another video is of Zach in my duck slippers, since the last video attachment did not work. Plus a picture of Zach wearing Mom’s down slippers. These are harder to get facing the correct way, but he still loves to wear them. And a picture of Zach being happy. Look at all those teeth! 16 of them…seems crazy!