Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Z.M.C. - 2 Months old today 7.31

This post is just for those of you that want a picture of Zach (or ZMichael for some of you) on each of his monthly "birthdays". Zachary celebrated by being a pill. Not his fault though. I guess he was having a growth spurt. He didn't nap more than 30 minutes at a time ALL DAY (usually he has a 3 hour 'marathon' nap mid-morning or afternoon), and wanted to eat every 1.5 hours. He finally passed out around 7pm. We woke him up at 8:45pm to eat again and get ready for bed. He was asleep by 9pm. Thankfully, he slept until 2am. NOT thankfully, he wouldn't go back to sleep after eating until 3:45am. Needless to say, both Art and I were pretty frustrated and tired.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Z.M. Counts - getting good with that head

Zachary is getting quite good at holding his head up! Attached are 2 pics - though neither are very good, as he moves his head too much and the pictures end up being blurry. Also, with the angle, check out how his head looks ENORMOUS compared to his body - like a lollipop! :)

Z.M. Counts - sleeping was a fluke

So Zach has not slept 'through the night' again since last Friday night. Last night he came close. He was (FINALLY) asleep at 11pm, and woke up to eat at 5am. So he's getting there...slowly but surely. We're trying to put him down for the night a little earlier (9pm) moving forward, b/c he seems to be happier that way. When he's 'forced' to stay up until 10pm for a 'last feeding', he is very unhappy and tired. We're learning - slowly, but we're getting there.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Z.M. Counts - started smiling on purpose!

Zach has started smiling on purpose. It's amazing how much we're willing to try, just to get him to smile. What makes him smile most?? Looking at his soccer ball mobile (thanks Tante Saskia!), and if you play with his lips. We're looking forward to his first laugh!

Z.M. Counts - Slept through the night 7.21.06

Zachary had a major first this weekend - he slept through the night. Went to sleep around 10:30pm and woke up at 6:45am! We are hoping this is the start of a new routine for him! Fingers crossed.